Schema for modENCODE Chromosomal Proteins (R5) - modENCODE ChIP-chip Data for Chromosomal Proteins (R5)
  Database: dm6    Primary Table: modENCODE_GSE20829_mvalues    Row Count: 1   Data last updated: 2020-08-21
fieldexampleSQL type info
fileName /gbdb/dm6/bbi/modENCODE_ChI...varchar(255) values

Sample Rows

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modENCODE Chromosomal Proteins (R5) (modENCODE_proteins_ChIPchip) Track Description

modENCODE ChIP-chip Sample Details


These tracks show the ChIP-chip enrichment profiles for different chromosomal proteins in BG3, Kc167, and S2 cell lines that were produced by the modENCODE project. The replicate set (repset) datasets were obtained from the NCBI BioProject database under the accession number PRJNA63463, and from the modENCODE data portal. The results were lifted from the D. melanogaster Release 5 assembly over to the Release 6 assembly.

modENCODE ChIP-chip Datasets

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Kharchenko PV, Alekseyenko AA, Schwartz YB, Minoda A, Riddle NC, Ernst J, Sabo PJ, Larschan E, Gorchakov AA, Gu T, Linder-Basso D, Plachetka A, Shanower G, Tolstorukov MY, Luquette LJ, Xi R, Jung YL, Park RW, Bishop EP, Canfield TK, Sandstrom R, Thurman RE, MacAlpine DM, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Kellis M, Elgin SC, Kuroda MI, Pirrotta V, Karpen GH, Park PJ. Comprehensive analysis of the chromatin landscape in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature. 2011 Mar 24;471(7339):480-5.